Join Akron area prospect development colleagues for a networking gathering. Bring a question about a topic of interest as it relates to your work that you would like to discuss further with other attendees. We will have a round robin, then possibly break into smaller groups to chat.
We look forward to meeting you!
The Akron Planning Team,
Sandy Montgomery, Laura Austin, and Tonia Ferrell
Parking and Directions:
Park in the North Adolph Parking Deck connected to the new tower on Fountain Street. Park on the 1st Floor near the bridge to the original building (NOT the new tower). Parking is $1.00 per hour and will be paid on your way out of the hospital.
Take the bridge into the hospital and continue until the hallway ends (at the chapel). Turn Right and continue again until the hallway ends (at the HR offices). The “A” Elevators will be to your Right. Take the elevator up to the 4th floor. The Foundation is immediately to your Right, thru the glass doors.
Contact Sandy Montgomery at 330-375-7485 or with any questions.
Summa Health Foundation
525 East Market Street
4th Floor Admin
Akron, OH 44304
Cost: Free for OPRN members and non-members.